Si può fare il backup da whatsapp web

Si può fare il backup da whatsapp web
Whatapp è diventato lo strumento di messaggistica più utilizzato al mondo e adesso, con l’acquisizione da parte di Facebook la popolarità è alle stelle. Proprio per questo motivo, l’utilizzo massivo di questa applicazione produce una enorme quantità di dati che viene salvata sul proprio dispositivo (telefono o tablet).  Trattandosi in molti casi di dati sensibili e personali, è bene fare di tanto in tanto un backup dei messaggi salvandoli sul computer. Sappiamo anche che se usiamo iTunes per fare questo lavoro, verrebbe effettuato il back up di tutti i dati del dispositivo e non solo dei messaggi WhatsApp. Come facciamo quindi ad effettuare il backup dei soli messaggi WhatsApp salvandoli sul PC? La soluzione è nelle righe seguenti.

Faremo uso di un Tool che permette il Backup di WhatsApp. Si  tratta di un software che va installato sul proprio computer e che tra le altre cose consente di fare il backup dei messaggi WhatsApp senza l’aiuto di iTunes!

Oltre a salvare i messaggi WhatsApp questo software è in grado di recuperare e salvare video, contatti, note, SMS e foto.

Scarica la versione compatibile con il tuo dispositivo e computer, dai pulsanti qui sotto:

  • WhatsApp Transfer e Backup per iPhone e Android (per PC e Mac)

Scarica e installa Whatsapp Transfer sul tuo computer: il primo software al mondo in grado di trasferire chat whatsapp tra telefoni Android e iPhone e in grado di effettuare un backup di tutte le conversazioni Whatsapp sul tuo computer!!
Ci sono due versioni distinte, per Windows e per Mac:

Si può fare il backup da whatsapp web
Si può fare il backup da whatsapp web

Si può fare il backup da whatsapp web


Trasferire Dati Whatsapp da Android a Android
Trasferire Messaggi Whatsapp da iPhone a iPhone
Trasferire Whatsapp da Android a iPhone
Trasferire Whatsapp da iPhone a Android

  • Recupero Conversazioni WhatsApp Cancellate su dispositivi iOS (iPhone e iPad)

Due versioni distinte, per Windows e per Mac. Scarica e installa il programma sul tuo computer ed effettua una scansione:

Si può fare il backup da whatsapp web
Si può fare il backup da whatsapp web

  • Recupero Conversazioni WhatsApp Cancellate su dispositivi Android 

Due versioni distinte, per Windows e per Mac, scarica e installa il programma sul tuo computer ed effettua una scansione:

Si può fare il backup da whatsapp web
Si può fare il backup da whatsapp web

Home > Transfer WhatsApp > [Answered] Can You Take Backup from WhatsApp Web? How?

Si può fare il backup da whatsapp web

WhatsApp is a leading messaging app in the world that connects friends and families and makes businesses interact with customers effectively. Over the years, WhatsApp developers have made plenty of enhancements in WhatsApp to make it everyone's favorite choice. WhatsApp Web is one such enhancement that has helped lots of WhatsApp users who wanted to use WhatsApp from their computers. But just like the WhatsApp app, is it possible to back up from WhatsApp Web? If so, then how to take backup from WhatsApp Web? Well, this is the main focus point of this article. We will first discuss whether there is a possibility of taking backup from WhatsApp Web and then also highlight some effective ways to quickly take WhatsApp backup to your PC.

Si può fare il backup da whatsapp web

The one-word answer would be "NO". WhatsApp Web does not allow users to take backup of WhatsApp from it. To justify it, we have to look at what is the main purpose of WhatsApp Web.

WhatsApp Web shows you the same chat interface as displayed in the WhatsApp smartphone app only once you have connected your smartphone to the internet. So, WhatsApp Web is not a separate app but acts more like a mirror version of the mobile WhatsApp. Therefore, it does not provide the WhatsApp settings and backup options that you can access from its mobile app.

However, users will appreciate if WhatsApp developers also add the backup feature in WhatsApp Web. But as of now, you cannot take backup from WhatsApp web. There are still some other ways to back up from WhatsApp Web, as listed in the next part.

Part 2. How to Take Backup from WhatsApp Web

Now that we know there is no built-in support to back up from WhatsApp Web, let's discuss any other possible way to do it. This is where the Windows Screenshot feature comes in handy. You can take screenshots of the messages from WhatsApp Web and save them one by one.

Follow the below steps to use this approach:

  • 1 Open the chat on WhatsApp Web.
  • 2 Press "Windows logo" + "Fn" + "PrtSc" keys from your keyword. It will take the screenshot of the whole window and copy it to the clipboard.
  • Si può fare il backup da whatsapp web

  • 3 Open Microsoft Word, create a new blank document, and press the "Ctrl" + "V" keys. It will paste the screenshot into the document.
  • 4 Follow the above steps continuously until you copy/paste all the messages.
  • 5 Save the document file and name it your backup file.

This way, you have created the pictures-based backup from WhatsApp Web. But there are many disadvantages with this method, such as it takes plenty of time to take screenshots and copy/paste the pictures. Similarly, the backup created in this way cannot be restored like the normal backup from the WhatsApp app. So, if there are a number of chats to back up, then the screenshot approach is not the right approach to answer "can I take backup from WhatsApp Web".

Part 3. The Alternative Ways of Taking Backup from WhatsApp Web

In case you are looking to back up WhatsApp to PC, there are alternative ways to do this. Following are two alternative ways in this perspective:

Option 1. Take Backup of WhatsApp Chats Through Email

The chat export feature of the WhatsApp app allows you to export chats via email. So, you can select chats one by one from your mobile WhatsApp and export them through email to your own email address. Afterward, you can open your email account from your PC and download those backups.

Follow the below steps to take backup of WhatsApp chats through email:

You can keep following the above steps until you have exported all the chats you want to back up. Although it presents one way to back up WhatsApp to your PC, still there are major limitations of this method, as follow:


  • You have to manually export each chat one by one, which is highly time-consuming.
  • You can only export 40,000 messages without including media.
  • You can only export 10,000 messages with media inclusive.
  • You cannot restore the backup to a new phone, as you could with the built-in WhatsApp backup feature.

So, you should only use this method if you want to back up just one or two chats. Otherwise, it is an inefficient and tedious way to back up WhatsApp to PC.

Option 2. Take WhatsApp Backup via ChatMover

ChatMover is a powerful and intelligently designed WhatsApp managing tool that lets you transfer, back up, restore, and export WhatsApp chats from Android and iPhone to your PC. Its user-friendly interface and simple click-based steps make it a hassle-free process to back up WhatsApp to your PC instead of WhatsApp Web.

Key Features of ChatMover

  • It allows you to quickly create WhatsApp backup on your PC with simple clicks.
  • You can store the backup in any of your PC drives.
  • It stores every new backup in an orderly manner without overwriting the previously made backups.
  • It does not need internet access to make backups, so there is no concept of data loss or leakage.
  • Since backups are stored on the PC, you’ll get unlimited storage space.
  • Its backup function is completely FREE.
Si può fare il backup da whatsapp web

Follow the below steps to take WhatsApp backup on your PC via ChatMover:

  • 1 Download and launch ChatMover on your PC. Choose "Backup". Then connect your device with your computer via USB cable. Press "Start" once the tool detects your Android/iPhone device.
  • Si può fare il backup da whatsapp web

  • 2 Click the "Backup" option and then pick either "WhatsApp Messenger" or "WhatsApp Business". Once done, the backup process will automatically begin. For Android devices, it will set up a customized WhatsApp to access the data. So, follow the on-screen instructions.
  • 3 Wait until the tool alerts that the backup is completed.
  • Si può fare il backup da whatsapp web

This way, you are able to create WhatsApp backup on your PC with few simple clicks. Compared to the tedious email backup approach, ChatMover is surely the easiest and safest way to back up WhatsApp.


WhatsApp Web is a handy way to use WhatsApp directly from your PC. But unfortunately, there is no built-in or default method to answer how to take backup from WhatsApp Web. However, if your main goal is to back up WhatsApp to PC, then ChatMover's free backup function is the most convenient and efficient way to quickly take WhatsApp backup from your smartphone.


Break the restrictions of iOS and Android, so that you can transfer WhatsApp between iPhone and Android, and back up/restore/export WhatsApp on both platforms freely.

Come fare il backup da WhatsApp web?

Apri WhatsApp. Tocca Altre opzioni > Impostazioni > Chat > Backup delle chat > Backup tramite. Seleziona il tipo di rete da utilizzare per i backup.

Come recuperare backup WhatsApp su PC?

Per ripristinare il backup: assicurati che il nuovo dispositivo Android sia collegato all'account Google dove hai salvato il backup. installa e apri WhatsApp, quindi verifica il tuo numero. quando richiesto, tocca RIPRISTINA per ripristinare le chat e i file multimediali da Google Drive.

Come fare il backup di WhatsApp senza Google Drive?

Nelle impostazioni seleziona "chat". Passaggio 2 Ora seleziona "backup chat". Passaggio 3 Disattiva il backup automatico di Google Drive. Ora tocca "Backup" e WhatsApp inizierà ad effettuare il backup delle chat di WhatsApp senza Google Drive sulla scheda SD.

Dove vanno a finire i backup di WhatsApp?

Puoi visualizzare i backup del tuo dispositivo mobile o dei messaggi delle chat di WhatsApp su Google Drive oppure controllare lo stato del backup.