Psicologia clinica unipa piano di studi 2022 2022

Psicologia clinica unipa piano di studi 2022 2022


Psicologia clinica unipa piano di studi 2022 2022



Corsi di Laurea in

Psicologia Sociale, del Lavoro e delle Organizzazioni, Psicologia Clinica, Psicologia Del Ciclo di Vita, Scienze e Tecniche Psicologiche, 


Scienze e Tecniche Psicologiche



Regolamento didattico del Corso di studi


Scarica il Regolamento didattico del Corso di Studi Magistrale in Psicologia del Ciclo di Vita (ai sensi del D.M.270/04) Giusta delibera del Consiglio di Corso di Laurea Magistrale del 23.09.2015, modificata in data 26.07.2017 (Ultimo aggiornamento 09/10/2019)

Presentazione corsi di laurea


PRESENTAZIONE CORSI DI LAUREA IN PSICOLOGIA Si avvisano gli studenti che sono stati previsti degli incontri di presentazione dei corsi e delle attività, con gli iscritti al primo anno dei corsi della triennale e delle magistrali: PSICOLOGIA DEL CICLO DI VITA lunedì 10 ottobre h. ...

Immatricolazione e Iscrizione


In seguito alla delibera del Dipartimento SPPEFF viene pubblicato il nuovo Regolamento del Corso di Studi


The 2nd cycle Degree Course in "Clinical Psychology" is the natural continuation, deepening and developming in a professional sense of the training of 1st cycle courses, in particular of the class 34. The main objective of the Course is to train psychologists with specific skills for the psychological-clinical intervention aimed at individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. Starting from a deepening of the basic psychological knowledge already acquired, and in the perspective of an integrated approach between theoretical and applicative skills in the clinical-relational field and in the field of neuropsychological research, the Degree Course aims at providing skills related: - to the evaluation and prevention, treatment and care of people, families, groups, organizations, communities; - to the promotion of health, development and well-being; - to the field of research. The two curricula, "Relation and Care" and "Neuropsychology", provide a strong common educational core, in the first year, and a specialized second-year articulation, which aims to define in a specific and professionalizing way the clinical-relational and neuropsychological skills, in accordance with the needs of the labour market. Specific training objectives of the CdLM in Clinical Psychology are: - the updated knowledge of the main explanatory theories of normal psychological functioning and of psychopathological suffering, from the point of view of clinical-relational research (with particular reference to psychodynamic and group models), as well as the most recent acquisitions in the field of neuroscience; - learning the ability to evaluate, diagnose and assess mental functioning and the relational dynamics of people, families, groups, organizations, and also of the main neuropsychological syndromes, techniques and neuropsychological diagnosis; - the knowledge of the clinical-relational and neuro-rehabilitation methods and the ability to draw up appropriate clinical reports for communication with colleagues and other professionals (eg social workers, psychiatrists, operators, etc.), as well as with the users themselves; - the knowledge of the clinical psychology research methods, based on the evaluation of outcome, process and context (setting); - the learning of the ability to provide therapeutic indications, to carry out studies on the effectiveness and applicability of the interventions in the different care settings. To achieve these objectives, the Course in Clinical Psychology provides educational activities related to the field of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology, General and Physiological Psychology, Social and Labour Psychology. Related and integrative training activities are also provided, aimed at completing the professional profile through the deepening of advanced, specialist and current issues of the psychology sector, consistent with the needs expressed by the labour market. In this context, personal training experiences are also offered, in group contexts, aiming at the acquisition of awareness on the importance of the relationship as the main tool for work and intervention in clinical psychology (groups of experiential training and laboratories for discussing clinical cases). Teaching is based on the integration between lectures and interactive and practical training methods (role-playing, case exposition, simulations, workshops). Internships in companies or institutions are also provided, as further training activities providing students the opportunity to face with professional activity. The Degree Course is also the key to access to University Master Courses, specific Training Courses and Postgraduate Schools for Psychotherapy.

Come entrare a Psicologia clinica?

Per essere ammessi al Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Psicologia Clinica occorre essere in possesso di un titolo di laurea triennale e avere conseguito almeno 88 CFU, distribuiti negli 8 settori scientifici disciplinari M-PSI (M-PSI/01, M-PSI/02, M-PSI/03,M-PSI/04,M-PSI/05,M-PSI/06,M-PSI/07,M-PSI/08).

Cosa posso fare con la laurea in psicologia clinica?

Sbocchi professionali I laureati potranno collocarsi all'interno delle strutture sanitarie e dei servizi psicologici, medici e psichiatrici, delle agenzie private del terzo settore e degli enti pubblici, nel ruolo di psicologo.

Dove si studia psicologia?

Le migliori università di Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive.
Università di Trento, 110 punti..
Università di Pavia, 91,5 punti..
Università di Bologna, 90 punti..
Università di Padova 89 punti..
Università di Milano Cattolica, 88 punti..
Università di Trieste 87,5 punti..
Università di Perugia 86, 5 punti..

Cosa sono le scienze e tecniche psicologiche?

Il Corso di Studio in Scienze e Tecniche Psicologiche fornisce una solida ed aggiornata formazione di base nei diversi settori delle discipline psicologiche, formando figure competenti con un'adeguata padronanza degli strumenti metodologici e tecnici per l'intervento psicologico.